IPL permanent hair removal, Facials, Massages and Lipofirm Plus
Professional hair removal, facial & body treatments.
Whatever your skin type or tone, we offer multiple treatments for permanent hair removal via IPL, as well as offering LipoFirm – the inch loss alternative to Lipo Surgery. Our LipoFirm wraps involve radio frequency skin tightening – ideal for the face, tummy and upper arms, this a collagen plumping treatment.
We are proud to use TROPIC as our products of choice, they are completely animal friendly – 100% not tested at any stage of production and totally natural ingredients. We also offer massage treatments that can be described as firm and very hands on.

What is IPL permanent hair removal?
IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light. It is the permanent way to remove unwanted body hair and is widely regarded as the safest and most effective form of hair reduction therapy currently on the market. Our laser hair removal machines use a single beam of light that passes through the skin, disabling the hair follicle without affecting the surrounding skin, permanently affecting the hair growth cycle. IPL can be successfully carried out on most areas of the body: legs, bikini line and armpits are very responsive to the treatment.
Long lasting results
IPL is the only clinically proven treatment for permanent hair removal of unwanted facial and body hair. A course of treatments will gently destroy the hair follicles, giving you long-lasting results, preventing hair growth. IPL laser hair removal works!
The results may vary according to your skin/hair type and colour, the most effective combination being pale skin with dark hair. Your specialist will explain how the results may apply to you, and how many laser treatments you may require to achieve long term hair removal.
About Us
The Zap experience was founded in 1994 by Andrée Elizabeth. Today she runs two salons, in Norwich and Ipswich.
The main philosophy of the Zap Experience is “no-one should suffer to be beautiful” which is why we specialise in PAIN FREE treatments. We also sell skincare products which are CRUELTY FREE – so no animal is suffering for us either.
Andree is a fully trained IPL technician, with many years of experience.

Call or WhatsApp Andreé today to book your consultation: 07792 253009
Andrée answers some common questions
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